This week has been really tiring but interesting. Believe it or not in my 3 days off (from 24-26th) I've managed to bake some raye cookies, packed to move to the new apartment, moved to the new place, unpacked & clean up the new home (85% done hehe) & cycled to IKEA to get a suitable curtain (which is 3.2 miles away from my home). All in all it was AMAZING!!
We've got way too many junks, and too little space to store em. It's like pushing an elephant through a mouse hole!! Although the new home is much more bigger compare to our old place.. but the storage area is much smaller.. tambah pulak with the 2 bikes.. lagi penuh rumah! adeh..
Anyway, before I forget.. thanks again to Karl and his brother that help us move.. kesian korang.. sorry la.. didn't know that we've got that many stuff while living in that small 1 bed apartment! Penuh satu van!! hehe
Anyway, I'm loving my new life in my new home.. cycled around to find LOTS and LOTS of kedai2 seafood, halal butchers, and just about anything that I need to get by. I wil update the house pictures someday ;)
And to add to my chaotic week, from yesterday I've had all my after-work-hours planned out.
yesterday, 27th - went to do a lil bit of shopping for Myra's bedday prep. Then, came home to bake tart nenas
(turns out to be too big a size!!! hahaha klakar gile.. tapi sedap!)today, 28th - I plan to bake another biskut raye
(just to bring the malaysia-homy-raye-ish sort of feeling, bukan nak makan sangat pun! haha)tomorrow, 29th - By hook or by crook, need to finish off with the unpacking business and do lil bit of Myra's party packs (but this time .. i'm afraid, due to the time constraint and with lots of stuff to work on, can't really take the risk to use my seni hand (seni sangat laaa hehe) to do the favours meself.. so mostly beli je :(
Tulat (30th oct) - To start with the raye2 preparation - Byk ni nak buat!!! (I'm inviting few family over to do the HariRaye-Myra's Birthday-HouseWarming celebrations all in one wrap on the 1st of Oct). Ambitious tul.. harap2 berjaye (but if no post about it, you can just take that my plan did't work out quite well hehe)
Skali raye jatuh on 30th of october.. haha.. kalau jadi, tak raye la beta.. coz I'm due to work that day. Anyway, that evening also the long-waited guests are due to arrive from Doha.. so hopefully anak bulan tu tahan-tahan la nak kluar sampai 1 hb! hehehe
So, sekian.. doakan plan saye berjaye! Bak kate Aizal: Nandayooo!
And.. oh yeah.. I cycled to work today.. took me 20 minutes ;) (BEST!)