Friday, November 28, 2008

Surprised visit to Malaysia

Flight ticket to KL - GBP XXXX
1 big beg of Souvenirs - GBP XXX
Cost for going to buy the souvenirs - GBP XXX
Cost to see the-face-of-people-in-shock-to-see-we-are-back-in-kl

- Priceless..

Alhamdulillah.. our secret mission to come home last Tuesday went well. Mak Abah is now in Mecca for their journey to hajj. Yup, if (and only if anyone is reading this blog) we are in KL now. But only for a very brief period. We are heading back to London on Monday the 1st. Not enuff cuti ma.. so balik kejap je.. jengok both our parents (specially for Mak Abah sacred trip) and to show Myra's new skill- walking lika star.. hihiks.. am so glad that our plan works out well, I didn't tell a single soul about this trip (Except for certain someone yg turut bersubahat..wink wink). What more interesting is that, the first day when we arrived, Myra's Mak Long yang tgh sebok ber-meeting, drop everything off and rush back just to see her glimpse! wahhh.. gile hebat Myra ni.. sampai camtu skali orang sayang die.. hehe

Our prayer goes to Mak and Abah, semoga mendapat haji mabrur and have a safe journey home.


:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

ooooooo...saprise ekkkkkkkk!!! london dah balik! y la so sekejap jom lepak...muahahhahaha
nways, insyallah moga ur parents dapat haji yg mabrur n segala ibadah dirahmati olehNYA ;)

owhhh how i mish mecca coo muachs ;(

Anonymous said...

Hehehe... semua orang pasti terkejut. Walaupun kos agak tinggi tapi berbanding dengan kepuasaan yang dikecap, memang lebih dari berbaloi.

Apa pun semoga mendapat Haji yang mambrur, InsyaAllah...

Yeen said...

ala verde.. kiteorg dah balik london dahh.. tak sempat laa nak lepak same.. kelam kabut balik mesia, lam 6 hari tu kne pack sume aktibiti.. hehehe..letih! dgn myra yg jet lag, memalam tak tido.. siang je die tido.. adehler..
next time around ek? insyaallah..