Sunday, July 19, 2009

Glemer kejap je

You know, the weird thing about this promo is, I don't feel weird, watching myself on the screen! That was quite unusual actually.. hehehe. I've always been the behind-the-scene kinda girl, never felt comfortable being the center of attention, and have always been quite shy (although most people would miss-intrepret me as 'sombong'... kekeke.. only god knows the truth ;). Well, i know i never put my clear picture on my blog before (the reason to remain annonymous to most hiks..), so, i guess today's the day, when the ugly duckling became the swan and reveal her true self!- hahahahahaha so the poyo of a-comparison! Anyway..enjoy~...


naza said...

yeen, cayalah..u're in advert!!! congrats!!!btw mmg comel!!

Unknown said...

huhu.. glamer you..

ladyLOVESleisure said...

hi yeen :)
i came across your blog while bloghopping and decided to check out your ad. congratulations and you seemed very spontaneous and natural in it!

::nyetto:: said...

me likey! super likey!

ko punye "hmm?" dgn kepala2 senget is sooooooo you! hahaha =) cayalah, cung2

Anonymous said...

memula ingatkan MYRA td.. comei jer yeen.. heheheh

Yeen said...

huhu. tenkiu peeps! lepas ni nak remove dah! takbleh taruk sini lame2.. hahahha

Unknown said...

nk mintak sign otograph!

Pinkwatch said...

sukalah tgk ad nie.......mmg natural... bravo pemilik blog!

Yeen said...

dxoul.. boleh2.. 2posen!
thenks Pinkwatch ;)

farah said...

yeen...mmg meletop lah..hehe