Last nite was the first time I joined an outdoor activities without my Hubby. Me, being the sole driver to and flo to Simaisma for a crabbing nite out (so they called it).
From Doha, I picked up Kak R n kids, then off we went to the sea....which turn out quite a joyful journey, and best part is, it's only like 20-30 minutes from our home.. A straight highway road, so takdela adventurous mane pun, hiks..
I never intended to even touch the cold sea water, let alone crabbing, but there I was, with one hand holding my pants up, and another one menyuluh lampu picit underwater while it's attached to a boat, that carries 4 kids!! Mannn, tahan sabar jugak rupenye aku ni, hahaha, come to think of it, I was quite impressed, camane tah bleh ade daye tahan letih yang agak tinggi malam tu, boleh aku angkat si Myra crossing the yucky mud for berkilo-kilo meter before finally reach the water. Oh yeah, air agak surut time tu, so jauhhhhhh sangat baru sampai air, as some claim, best time for crabbing. I tot of turning back, but persuaded to continue, so when we finally reached the water, i quickly tried to put Myra into the boat, but she scream and struggle to hold me tight, with her special-koala-hug. Mannn, memang menguji iman! So akhirnye cik Aina terpakse masuk bot, so that Myra will join her and stay calm. That's how I end up, with a hand locked to a boat, pointing torchlight underwater looking for Mr. Crab sambil menarik budak2 dalam bot!
I think it was about an hour or so that we move right n left whilst Myra busy entertaining us with her lupe-lirik-and-pelat mode of singing, when cik R finally saw a crab right under his nose! The excited me then helped to point some light... Wow, never tot i can enjoy being orang-batu like hunter. But, funny thing was, that's about the only crab we ever got that nite, followed by 2 or 3 other sotong, hence the title.
It is surely a nite to remember, coz I don't think I ever want to do it again until Myra learn to make full use of her own OP water shoes, and walk herself out to the open sea. So I guess after this, I will only join you ladies leisuring with the BBQ n yummy yummy food! Hiks
Anyway, in case you are stuck in Doha, with nothing better to do, marilah same-same menyumbang dalam industry mengetam atau menyotong (yang dah nak pupus gare-gare melayan kebosanan warge Doha hehehe).
So, what you basically need are;
1. A tombak and a baldi (minus Miss Z4ir33n - oh btw if you r reading this nyettosan, this is ur x-schoolmate!)
picture dicedok dari facebook Kimi..hehehe
2. A pair of underwater shoes, or any comfy shoes that you think can handle the sea..banyak batu2.. sakit kalau tak pakai kasut

3. A rumbling empty stomach for the after-crabbing BBQ (although i guarantee, most of which will come from the supermarket,
don't get your hope too high on your own catch! hehe
Till then, Enjoy~~~