Another set of appointment with the Gynae.. not long now.. 7 weeks to go. And she's saying I hafta feed myself MORE! Hello?! Can't you see my bulging tummy already?
Well.. according to her, the baby is not getting enough! And weight just at par. No wonder all the fat distributed evenly throughout my chubby face, tripled chinsss, flabby arms, gigantic legs and not forgetting my 'not-so-lil' (but still cute) behind..
oh how I envy those who didn't gain!
Yes.. I am aware that for every pregnancy- be it girl or boy, my body will just swollen up. So, the so-called myth about having a boy and not really put on weight is totally a fairy tales.. well at least to me :(
And now my Gynae is asking me to eat more! And I bet most of that 'nutrient' would go all over ME, and not my baby.. huk huk.. poor baby M.. Mommy will do her best to feed you with lotsa protein aight? Insyaallah.. see you soon baby.. grow big now (But not TOO BIG please.. takut lak nak teran kang! hehe)
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