Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wake Up!!!

I was a bit behind on this, (was it 2 years ago?? ), nonetheless perhaps there are others like me, who never been exposed to such excellent discoveries through this amazing online film production called The Arrivals . A must see, for those who believe of the end of the world. There are 2 more interesting series on the WakeUpProject website called '' Phase 3" and "The Divine Book" also worth your time to watch. You can also watch it through Youtube, you'll find plenty, find the one under Noreaga/Archernahr. Go and have a peek, it'll change your perceptions of the world insyaallah.

Better late than never~

1 comment:

Baizura S. said...

50 episodes the arrival tu. sebulan gak la aku nak tgk nak kasi habis dlu..haha. tp mmg terkejut la pas tgk.. mcm tiba2 minda terbuka .. :p