Anyway, I'm thankful to be back again, although it's hard to adjust from work-minded to domestic-goddess, I'm sure it'll get better, Insyaallah.
When I was in London, I always thought about my life in Doha, and regretted the fact that I didn't quite take the opportunity to explore it's neighbouring country. But last time, It was quite impossible to get a transit visa from Saudi (yes, no matter where we wanna go by road, we hafta go through the Saudi border, so it is quite an annoying process). Just because of our sponsor, we'd get rejected for any Saudi visa (I guess due to some politics issue), but thank god they've put that behind now, so now we can freely request for a transit, or umrah or hajj visa; just like others. With the so-called second chance of life here, we begin to potrays another set of travel journal, and our first pick is to go by road from Doha-Dubai-Muscat-Nizwa-Abu Dhabi-Doha. Insyaallah kalau ade rezeki, lain kali nak dikembangkan ke arah Mekah and beyond..
So here goes, our story of the journey, might not be new to some, but still, a story told by others are always worth a listen...(or in this case, a read ;)
Day 1: Doha-Abu Dhabi-Dubai (9th Dec 2009)
At 06:00am we are all ready to make our move to the Qatar-Saudi border, Bu Samra. I think it is still eid holiday to some, so, not that heavy traffic ahead. We reached Bu Samra at 07:34am, blurred and pointless. This is the most unprepared trip that I ever planned. Because, 1) I didn't quite think we'll get the transit visa ready within 3 days after the embassy open from eid's holiday and 2) Our original plan was to go on the 6th, so bile dah delay, the feel pun dah agak lari. Tapi alhamdulillah, sume berjalan lancar, on Qatar's side of border, the process is quite simple, drive through all the way from one immigration booth to the other.
On Saudi's side of border, we passed through 5 checkpoint; Before the first point, we stopped at the side, there's a small booth for ladies untuk ambik gambar and finger print, same for guys. Then off to the checkpoint, drive through all the way. On the 3rd checkpoint, they did car inspection then, on the next one, we have to buy car insurance for Saudi; 70 Riyal for a week and 100 Riyal for 2 weeks. So, if your entire trip is more than a week, it is much better to take the 2 weeks (it is counted from the day you enter Saudi and remain valid for the number of days irregardless if you exit & re-enter). Then on the last checkpoint, they'd check on all the papers, passport, then we are good to go! And time is already 8am.
At 10am, we reached the Saudi/UAE border.
The magnificient Grand Mosque: Although I'm all covered, still need to wear abaya for touring inside!
After 750km, and 13 & half hours later, we arrived in Dubai (at 7:30pm .. journey time includes breaks , blurred and all). Oh, before entering Dubai, you gotta buy that SALIK tag thingy, for your automatic-toll deduction. You can buy it from any of the pump station nearing Dubai; starting cost of AED100, which annoyingly need to be activated by calling their NOT-toll-free-number (so the typical big city must-charge-em-all-bla-bla-bla).
Luckily, when we arrived Dubai, the kind host; Miss ZowwoBowwo provided such an excellent room for us, a comfy knockout for the nite after the very long drive.
To be continue..
Oh yeah.. to get all the extra details on coordinates and everything, please visit - our major guide, thank you Pak Wahyu!
Hi yeen!
Syoknye bley buat road trip...yeah, u shud not miss the chance while u r there...bape lame lagi ko kat sane?
just wondering, if ppl like us from msia want to join u guys for the road trip..senang ke process nak dptkan all the travelling doc?
take care!kiss myra for me:)
Hi Farah,
kalau nak travel dr qatar I dah check, utk org yang takde permenant resident kat Qatar, die boleh go through Saudi (visa transit) one way only, except kalau nak buat umrah baru die allow both way. So, meaning, another way to balik Qatar nak kne fly..
Yang leceh tu part Saudi jer, sebab kne dptkan visa transit before the trip, UAE, Qatar, Oman you can get the visa upon arrival. Senang..
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