Sunday, October 24, 2010

Disney Fiesta

Four years, and 8 houses later (yes!! we moved that many time!!!), only now my wish to paint our home is granted.. ;)

Barulaa ade rase home sweet home..

It's our house warming and Myra's birthday celebration.. everybody were invited to dress in any of Disney's character.. it was a marvelous time. Although we were struggling to get the house done, with working in odd hours and all, but alhamdulillah everything went well. Just in time to bake & decorate the cake, buy the goodies and party pack and order in foods (yeah.. terpakse cater jela.. tak larat). Almost 90% of the vision i had in mind for Myra's 3rd birthday party came true... ;) Including the clown! and the games, and the cute chicken dance.. hehe thanks to Aina yg tolong pikirkan games.. hiks..

Almost all the kids are supportive of the idea to 'dress-up'. And even some adults came dressed in a slight pinch of disney's toon. My favourite.. the headless-Monster inc. And of course, yang memang takleh celen- Mr.Clown and family; fully dressed as a clown with wifey Tom & baby Jerry.. how so cute! (Thanks again guys.. korang memang sporting ;) well u know who u are..)

The party all in all went well, except for few hiccups here n there. During the candle blowing ceremony, the Minnie cake (luckily baked from the box.. hehe preggie Mommy's lil tired to bake from scratch) flipped over to the floor- abis pecah my lovely Burleigh cake stand.. huk huk kenangan from UK :(

TAPI, yang bestnye kek selamat! maintain- thanks to fondant I guess.. just the Minnie bow jer pecah. So, after that few second of glitch, with sobby Myra crying, we resume with the candle-blowing, and party popper-popping (which creates another unfortunate incident.. abis poppers masuk lam makanan!! lupe nak cover! hiks..) But then again.. what a party without any glitch kan? Barula meriah skit kalau ade bende-bende camni.. leaving us with sweet sweet memories... that'll make us awkwardly smile alone out of no where. ;)

Hurm.. besar dah anak Mommy.. next year, takde dah kot party2? hehehehe