Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cerite Basi Uno ::Farewells::

Although we've only been in London for 9 months (hurm.. kalau ku tau dah sempat dah dpt baby london! hehehe) we've made quite few numbers of lovely friends. And what else would you expect when you are about to leave them.. farewells of coz.

I didn't have much time or energy left while in London, now that I'm in Malaysia (plus being energy-boosted by typical malaysian food, contohnye durian! hehe), am gonna write this special post to those sweet enough to bid farewells for us. So, here goes, my cerite basi number one...

The first to invite us for a special personal farewell dinner was Sajjid and family. We've been served a delicious traditional Moroccan dishes, and my fav is the couscous! My first time to try out couscous.. and I kinda like it A LOT. As shown on the pic; that's the couscous and next to it, is mini Sajjid ;). We've only known Sajjid for a month or so when he joined our team in Bbeloved Company and already had to leave him.. hehe.. good luck man! But, as an old saying; it only took a minute to fall in love, but forever to forget love.. (well i'm not saying I'm in love with him or something.. duhh! just saying that even for a short duration of getting to know someone, it's already enough to form a strong friendship ;)). Well anyway.. thanks again for that super-yummilicious dinner, we'll see you around Insyaallah..

Next, is from Sebastian and family. Have known him for quite long since in Doha lagi. This time we chose to meet up in my favourite Chinese-Malaysian restaurant CnR (asek2 CnR.. hehe cam takde tempat lain jek.. but seriously, am addicted to its prawn mee! sedap hingge menjilat gerpu!). Sebastian has been a great help ever since our move, and he and his family has been really sweet to us. The always best part when meeting up with Seb's family is to see the cute-bonding between Myra and his daughter Elena, though they are very small.. but looks like they hit it off quite well. We sure gonna miss you guys.. thanks again for the time you made to set the dinner-date. I'm pretty sure we'll see you around ;)

Next one isn't really a farewell treats for us, but I would still consider it as a-good-enough bids of farewell (Skali la tuuu). We were invited to Farah&Ibrahim's 2years old daugther birthday party, the lil sweet Hannah. And yes.. pardon the pics.. I got carried away with taking more pics of anak-sendiri dari the birthday girl! hehehehe. Thank you for inviting us, and err..sorry for being late (which explain the one piece birthday cake left-over pic!) hehe..and jangan lupe ek, you said anytime datang london contact2 la.. bleh tumpang rumah?! I'll hold onto your word Owwek! hehehe
Next is the small farewell gathering at our office, where Mr.Aizal had to made his explanatory speech! (saye bernaseb baek, terselamat dari buat speech, coz all i would say to why am I leaving london and the company is, I am following my husband hehehe). The most unsangkerable thing was all the big bosses turun padang to join in! Terharuu kami.. thanks guys ;)

Next, are farewell dinner outing with Farah n Ekmal. They have always been soooooo great to us. Memang couple yang sangatla baik. First time jumpe kat rumah Kak Preeti. Time tu baru gile pindah London. Even baru berkenalan, dieorang siap tumpangkan kiteorg naik kereta untuk hantar balik rumah. Then again, that day for the farewell dinner, we had to troubled them, our car-renting was stucked, on the day to collect the car, they said our booking was transferred to Enterprise, which doesn't accept Malaysia driving license. Nak dipendekkan story, akhirnye the next day, kami berjaye rent from Avis, without any problem at all. Thanks again Farah n Ekmal.. korang mmg baik gile la.. it is a great pleasure to get to know you two. Hopefully, we'll see you again sometime!

Seterusnye, farewell lunch with Yus and Hadzley.. actually niat nak singgah kejap je to say goodbye, skali Yus dah siap masak nasik lemak ngan ayam masak kicap (yang sedap giler! thanks for the resepi.. hehe) and siap ade kek batik! Alahai.. rajin tul.. thanks k korang, susah-susah je masakkan untuk kami.. hehehe

Actually Yus and Hadzley dah banyak kali jemput datang rumah for makan-makan, but everytime it clashes with our work schedule. Memang tak dapat nak pergi. Akhirnye, before we leave the country for good, sempat jugak merase masakkan Yus... alhamdulillah, langkah kanan.
Semoge Hadzley abes blaja and pass with flying colours! ;) Enjoy London while you can!

And last but not least, our last day dinner with Ibah and Shahrin's family. Sipi-sipi je lagi nak miss the date. Seb baik sempat jugak singgah jumpe korang. Thanks again for everything guys... korang pun layan kiteorg baik gile selame kami di London. Will definitely look forward to see you guys again! And kami doakan tahun ni dapatla korang rezeki untuk tambah sorang lagi and an opportunity to move elsewhere like you dream ;)

Well.. that's that..sorry if I bore some of you.. but I felt like I need to write this out for our own acknowledgement. If anybody missing from the stories.. i am truly sorry.. ;}

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